Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting to Know Me

Over the next few days, I will be posting 100 things about me.  Instead of throwing a bunch of random facts out there, I decided to break it down into more manageable bits of information.  I will be covering the following topics as I share 100 things about me you may or may not have known.

  1.  10 Places I've Been
  2. 10 Jobs I Have Held
  3. 10 Random Facts
  4. 10 Places I'd Like the Military to Take Us
  5. 10 Things I Enjoy
  6. 10 Things I Want to Do
  7. 10 Favorites
  8. 10 Things I Know
  9. 10 Favorite Books
  10. 10 Favorite Movies

Today I am going to start with the first one...
                                                     10 Places that I've Been
1.  NYC (New York City) -  At the age of 15, I spent 8 weeks in New York City doing missions work with NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministry)  Our main ministry that summer was to travel throughout the city doing the drama "The Prodigal Son".  We made "Midnight Runs" where we would hand out sandwiches to the homeless at Grand Central Station and we helped a local church renovate an old building for their food pantry.

2. India -  I spent my next summer, at the age of 16, in India.  We were housed at an orphanage where we helped with whatever tasks that were needed, including but not limited to teaching, construction and cooking.  We also went into the local schools to sing and present drama skits.  

Streets of Calcutta

3. Ireland - It helps having a mom who is a travel agent.  I have been able to take two different trips with her and Ireland was my favorite.  We flew into Dublin and then boarded a coach bus.  We saw many different sites including Killarny, Kilkenny and Cork.  I had a fabulous time on this trip even though I got sick.

4. England - This was another trip that I took with my mom.  I had a wonderful time seeing all the sites
around London, England. We went to The Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Stratford Upon Avon.
Since I can't find my album from this trip, I'll have to add it later.
5. Bermuda - For our wedding, we received a gift from my aunt, uncle and cousins.  It was a 4 day trip to Bermuda.  Even though the weekend that we arrived there was a strike by hospitality workers on the island, we still had a great time.
6. Germany - As a gift to my husband upon completion of his bachelor's degree, we took a trip to Germany to visit friends who were stationed there with NSA.  We invited another couple to join us.  We went to the salt mines in Saltzburg, drove through Garmish and visited Nieuwenstein Castle, along with many other famous sites.

7.  Mexico - My grandmother called me one day and asked if I would go on a missions trip with her to Mexico.  Of course I would!  That December, right after Christmas, we went to Laredo, Mexico and ministered in the squatter camps together.  It was a blessing to be able to go on a missions trip with my grandmother.

I miss you grandmom!

8. Puerto Rico -  My husband and I had not even been married for quite one year when the missions organization, that I took trips on when I was a teenager, called and asked us to lead a team to Puerto Rico.  God provided for everything to get us there and we went for 4 weeks to a boy's home outside Bayamon.

A missionary home that we were building.
9. Reykiavik, Iceland - On three of my trips overseas, we used Iceland Air because of the great price.  Each of those trips stopped over in Iceland, one of them for an overnight.  We were able to tour the hot springs on that trip.  It was a beautiful city.

I can't seem to find this album too. Will add pictures when I come across it.

10. South Korea - We are stationed here for the next two years.  We are trying to take in as many sights as we can during our tour here. Somedays, living in a foreign country is downright difficult and I want to go back to the states.  It is during those times that I try to have a positive outlook!  If you want to see pictures, check out my previous and upcoming posts ;)

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