Today I'll share 10 jobs that I have held. I'm not sure how interesting this will be, but I'll give it a shot.
Most of the jobs that I have held are nothing out of the ordianary. I am kind of a plain Jane...non risk taker and the jobs I have had reflect that. You won't find me climbing the top of the Bay Bridge or singing on Broadway. I hope not to bore you too much.
1. Babysitter - As far as I can remember, I began babysitting around 12 years old. I enjoyed being with kids and hoped to one day grow up and be a mom myself. I babysit quite a bit up until the time that I turned 16 when I could get a "real job". I also babysit during my college years to supplement my income.
2. McDonald's - My first "real" job. When I started this job, I was making minimum wage, $3.35 an hour. I started out as a cashier but in a few months I was learning to be a crew trainer. By the time I had been there a year, I was training to be a swing manager. I was the only swing manager that couldn't officially count cash drawers because I was under 18 years old.
3. House Cleaner - I started cleaning houses with a friend when we were teenagers. Her mom would have extra work with her business, so we would pitch in and help out. While at college, I was on staff for housekeeping. My main job was to clean the wing of guest suites the college kept for visitors. Even after marriage and kids, I picked up a house or two to bring in extra income.
4. Office work for a Teen Missions Organization - I am really not sure what my title was at this job. I did a variety of tasks at TWO (Teen World Outreach). I logged financial contributions, made phone calls, took care of filing and organizing. This is the same organization with whom I took my missions trips to NYC, India and Puerto Rico.
5. Assistant Bookstore Manager - While finishing up my bachelor's degree, I was newly married and needing a job. I heard that the college bookstore was hiring and I applied for the job. I worked with a great manager and we expanded the bookstore into many new areas (ice cream and fresh baked cookies). Since this job was only for during the school year, I was laid off in May after graduation.
6. Receptionist - When I knew the bookstore position would be eliminated, I started looking for a new job through temp agencies. I was interviewed for a temp to perm position at a medical software company outside of Philadelphia and I got the job. I answered a multi-line phone system, assisted the human resources manager with her tasks and learned to do accounts receiveable. I was only at this job for one year but the owner of the company told me that if I ever needed a job, I could work at any company he owned. I took that as a great compliment.
7. Church Secretary - After my husband and I graduated college, we moved to Hanover, PA to help at my dad's church. I came on staff as the church secretary. I held this position for about a year and a half... until the birth of our first child. After she was born, my goal was to be a stay at home mom.
8. Operating Room Scheduling Office -Even though I had hoped to be at stay-at-home mom, things got tight and health insurance was expensive, so I took a part-time job at the local hospital. Since I worked 20 hours a week, I was elegible for health insurance. I worked nights and my husband worked days pastoring at the church. This worked for about 6 months until my husband and I got tired being two ships passing in the night. We decided that no amount of extra money was worth sacrificing our marriage for.
9. Billing Specialist - I did not want to work outside the home and God provided just what we needed. I worked from home doing billing for an anesthesia office. I started out working about 10 hours a week and then increased to 20 hours. This job was a blessing from the Lord. When my husband decided to resign from the church where he had been on staff for almost 12 years to pursue Army chaplaincy, the opportunity opened up for me to work full-time from home.
10. Mom - This by far is the hardest job I have ever had yet it's rewardis are great. I became a mom 13 years ago when our first daughter was born. Three years later, God blessed us with another daughter (she is now 10 years old). It was a long time and I thought we were done having children, as we had been trying for 3 years. Then we were blessed with another daughter (she will be 6 soon). And then 21 months later, we recieved a surprise, another little girl. She will be 4 years old in two weeks. The job of being a mother takes courage, discipline and consistency........
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5: 22-23