Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Book List

Last year I had a difficult time finishing the books on my book list.  A few of them I started but did not finish while others I never even cracked open at all.  I know one of the reasons I had a hard time finishing all the books....unless the book is a fiction book, I want to be able to take in and learn from what I am reading. With everything that goes on in being a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to 4 girls, some days I just don't have the time to use my brain when I read.  So instead of reading what was on my list, I ended up turning to fiction books instead.  They are easy reads and don't require my brain.  :)

Hopefully I will be able to use my brain a bit more this year and read some of those books that got tossed by the wayside.  Since I received a Nook for my anniversary this past year, I really have no excuse because it is even backlit, I can read in bed after my husband is asleep.

This coming year, I am focusing on 12 books.  One a month.  Let's see if I can finish what I start in 2012.

What's on your reading list for this upcoming year? 
Do you recommend any particular books that you have enjoyed reading?

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