Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Army Family Team Building

According to the Army Reserve Family Programs website.... Our mission is to educate and empower members of the military community to develop skills and encourage behaviors that strengthen self-reliance, promote retention, and enhance readiness.

Army Family Team Building is a series of training modules that are offered by the Army Community Services center at all Army posts. The topics covered in these modules include basic information about the Army, personal growth skills and leadership skills.  AFTB helps to improve both personal and family preparedness. 

My first exposure to these courses was when my husband was finishing up CHBOLC (Chaplain Basic Officer Leadership Course) and AFTB Level 1 was offered to the spouses of the soldiers graduating from Chaplain Basic.  It was a great course that gave me insight into Army lingo and life. 

After arriving at our first duty station, I decided to try the next level online.  You can find all levels of AFTB and many other classes at MyArmyOneSource.com.  Look under Family Programs and Services.  Choose the eLearning Center and then Online Courses. 

I wanted to learn as much as I could about this new life adventure that our family was embarking on that I actually took as many classes in that list as I could.  Most of them I took during my husband's deployment to Iraq.  After the kids were in bed, I would spend my time taking classes and learning from the comfort of my home.

Some classes are more fun in person and with a group, so check out the list of classes that are offered by your local ACS (Army Community Services) too.


From Snowflakes To Hotcakes said...

I've been meaning to do more AFTB too. I did level 1 online, but forgot to print the certificate out. Stopping over from here in GA, from Military Spouse Network (or whatever Household 6 calls it) but I also do the Making your Home a Haven Fall challenge. Handsome (my husband) was stationed in Korea before we started dating, so it's neat to see the pictures. :-)

Nicole said...

From Snowflakes to Hotcakes...nice to meet you ;) I started AFTB III about a year ago. I hope to finish it soon! In what part of Korea was your husband stationed? I'm going to hop over and check out your blog.