Friday, December 31, 2010

Where Am I?

I guess if you read this blog regularly, you have noticed that I have not posted in quite some time....December 15th to be exact.  I attempted to write that day, only to lose my entire post in the touch of a button.  I was frustrated and decided to walk away for a little bit.  Then things began heating up here in South Korea.  If you have watched the news during December, you have probably seen many things on TV and in the newspapers.  Since we live so close to the border, life became a little uneasy.  Even though we were told to go about our day as normal, the stress of the uncertainty of what North Korea might or might no do, was wearing on our family.  If you remembering reading my post earlier this summer about NEO, military families need to be prepared in case  something would happen between North and South Korea.  If something negative would take place that would trigger a NEO, we would be evacuated with only a suitcase per person.  With the military drills that the ROK (Republic of Korea) Army was performing, the threat of North Korea responding was a probability.  I just really    couldn't focus on blogging.  It was enough to get through the day with sick children, homeschooling and keeping my home functioning.

Since North Korea did not respond negatively during the military exercises that South Korea did, I am feeling a little better.  I am hoping that as this New Year begins, I can be more focused and planned with my blog and my life in general.  I can’t believe today is New Year’s Eve and 2011 is around the corner.

I am not one for New Year’s resolutions but I am hoping to make some changes in my life this coming new year.  With God’s help, I know that I can be all He has created me to be.  I pray that you have a blessed New Year.

Our girls on Christmas Eve

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year from PA!!!