Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back in Korea

Since the end of May, the girls and I had been in the United States. We had a wonderful time reconnecting wtih family and friends, while also making some new friendships too.  While I was not eager to return to Korea, my husband and I made the decision to keep our family together.  So last week, we all came back to finish the remainig 8 months of my husband's tour here.

As we returned, Korea is in the middle of it's monsoon season. Just the week before our arrival, the area where we live, received over 22 inches of rainfall in just over 36 hours.  Needless to say, there were mudslides and flooding.  Many businesses near one of the local Army posts were badly damaged. 

Again, we are looking at getting more rain from the remnants of a typhoon that is in the Yellow Sea.  I guess the 5 inches we are expected to get is nothing in comparison to the storm that hit over a week ago.

I am hoping to get back into a blogging routine.  To be more consistant than I have been previously.  I don't know how some woman, who homeschool, cook everything from scratch and have more than 7 kids, keep up with blogging.  Maybe when we get back into the states, I can attend a conference on blogging to better understand how life in cyber blog space really works.

Until then, I will try to be faithful with the little, so that I might be faithful with much.

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