Friday, January 25, 2008

Potty Training 101

The time has come to yet again potty train a little Perez. Victoria will be turning three at the end of February and I have waited too long to start the potty training....but better late than never?! Last week I decided just to do it....start the potty training that is. Day 1 and 2 were the pits. I think I changed 4 outfits before lunch time. Day 3 she seemed to be understanding what i expected from her and we appeared to be on a roll. During this time, Angel was in the field for traning with his battalion for 2 weeks so I was doing this chore alone. Nights were not so good but I was hoping for dry days. And we had some :).....and then we had some more wet ones. Today is day 11 and we have had 2 accidents today. I know, I am a perfectionist mom who expects her just to get it and i need to give her some time.

Maybe Angel coming home today will help encourage her to "go potty for daddy". We shall see how this next week pans out.

My mom arrived on Sunday night for a short visit. We took the girls to Dallas on Monday to have linner (lunch/dinner) at American Girl Boutique and Bistro. They had a great time. The next two days were spent trying to get my house in order....or basically decorated. I had already unpacked the boxes and now it was time to hang curtains, arrange furniture and get things in order. Today I drove to Austin to take my mom to the airport. BOOO HOOO! Too bad she couldn't stay longer, I really could use more help :) Love ya mom!!

Hope you are starting off your New Year on a good foot or two for that matter!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Well, if you haven't noticed yet, I (Nicole) have been posting on the blog lately. Angel has been working hard at his new job, trying to understand how everything works....or at least trying to get everything working (like his office computer :) ) The holiday time was slow since many were on leave and now things are kicking in. Angel is away for 2 weeks with his unit for field training...I guess this means more MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) for him. My mom is coming for a visit, which everyone here is excited about!!! We wish Pop-Pop could visit too but someone has to work.

We are excited about where God has placed us! When Angel filled out his paperwork for the Army, we listed our top three choices of bases where we would want to be stationed. Angel and I prayed that no matter what we wrote on the list, that God would place in where He wants us to be For Such A Time As This, and I can see this being true (though Texas was not at the top of my list) Be encouraged today that wherever you are God can use you. Your attitude in your situation determines more than the place where you are. If you are not sure what the next step in your future may be, place it before the Lord and allow Him to lead and guide you. Just remember, when you are committed to serving God, you may end up in places you never imagined.

Don't forget to continue to pray for our troops and their families. Many are deployed for 15 months and there are thousands of families holding down the homefront. They need your prayer, support and encouragement each day as they do life. Encourage someone today and expect God to move in your life too.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Fort Hood, TX! It has been just over two weeks since we arrived to the Lone Star State. We received housing the day Angel signed in and our HHG (household goods) came at the end of the week. We wanted the girls to have the Christmas we made sure the tree was put up, even if we couldn't find clean clothes to wear :) This Christmas is the first that we spent away from family and our was very different. It really didn't even feel like Christmas..... I guess it's time to start our own traditions or at least take leave and fly home for the holidays.

Since we moved to Texas without beds for the girls, we went bed shopping and found new beds for the 3 older girls. Part of their Christmas gift was to pick out bedding tooo and they were sure excited about shopping....but what girl isn't!

We rang in the new year...already asleep in our beds. Things here in post are running on a modified schedule and Angel is usually home around lunchtime. Tomorrow the girls start public school after being homeschooled for the last 10 weeks ( I don't think Marissa is looking forward to getting up early) Marissa and Katelyn have both made friends already and our house on post (a duplex) is connected to another chaplain and his families.

Well, just a little update from our home to yours. We miss you all this holiday season and pray God's richest blessings in your lives. Don't forget to put Him first in all things and expect a breakthrough this New Year 2008!