I think we are getting into the swing of things here in Texas. Enough so that we took a drive this past Saturday to visit an old friend.....not that she is old (but she is older than me :) ) Ronda and her husband Mike moved to San Antonio TX about 2 1/2 years ago and since Fort Hood is less than 3 hours away, we met for lunch. It is always nice to reconnect with those who were a part of our lives but maybe due to circumstances or distance, we don't get to see very often. Since Ronda left PA for Texas, we have seen her once a year. I am hoping that since she is so close, we'll be able to get together often.
Here are two pictures from Saturday. One of the kids and one of Ronda and I. Is there someone in your life that you have not seen or talked to in quite some time? Maybe an old friend or relative? Give them a call today or send them a card. Be an encourager in their life and see what God does in yours.