Again, another long lapse since my last post...BUT I have a legitimate reason. The girls and I drove to the East Coast (1562 miles from our home in Texas) to spend time visiting with friends and family. The way to save money on the trip was to drive there and to only do one overnight hotel stay. On the way east, we drove 17 hours the first day and about 12 the second day. The girls did wonderfully! I'm glad we have a DVD in the van and Redbox along the way.
We visited with aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, great grandfather and friends. We spend time in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. We ate MD Steamed Crabs, fresh corn on the cob and home grown tomatoes. Boy do I miss PA/MD!! We took a drive south and spent a week at Colonial Williamsburg, enjoying Busch Gardens and Great Wolf Lodge too.
We had a great trip...but as all good things...or at least vacations, they must come to an end. We headed back to Texas cutting off some time on our driving adventure. It only took us 12 hours the first day and 14 on the second. I was glad to be back home in my own space. I should have blogged when we got home but we were getting ready for the start of our homeschool year and there was curriculum to order and supplies to buy and next thing I know...I'm here today, two weeks later finally sitting down to write.
I hope you have all enjoyed a great summer, as we have. I am glad to be getting back into the school routine and looking for God to do great things in my life and the lives of my family. I pray that you look for God in the mundane things of life and expect Him to do great things in and through you. Be blessed!