I was just reminded how long it has been since my last post....almost 2 months. Not that we have not had anything going on but since I have been on Facebook, I have been posting my pictures there and have forgotten about the blog. So Sorry!!
I know that some of you check here to see what is happening with the Perez Family and to keep connected with us, even if it's just reading my ramblings and looking at pictures of the family.
I am actually flipping between my outlook calendar and this blog to remind myself of what has been going on with us. Since my last post we have had some not so exciting things happen and then some....Oh my gosh, things taking place.
The girls returned from their visit up north (to PA) and we headed back to Texas to get into a routine. I started homeschooling both Marissa (6th grade) and Katelyn (2nd grade)this year and we jumped into our studies the second week of August. We had some bumps in the road, but are doing much better now. Remind me next year...not to pick curriculum just because it's a package deal and makes my life easier....but it hasn't and with all the switches I have done...I should have just found what I liked and put the time and effort into planning the lessons myself (that's what I'm doing now).
Our BIG news is that Angel was moved to a different unit, though still here in Texas. Basically, those who have not yet deployed are needed to deploy and are being moved to a unit (in Angel's case a battalion) that will deploy. Wow, that's a lot of words... That is about all I can say on a public post for now. We have had our trial period to prepare for an upcoming deployment when Angel went to training out of state for one month. We got through but I can't imagine when the real thing happens. We will need your prayers!
We are in the process of planning a nice family vacation this fall and hopefully will have something in stone very soon. I wish I could say that we will be back in the PA/MD area, but it is too expensive to fly us all there. Maybe next Spring we'll be able to do a visit.
While Angel was away at training, Katelyn had her 8th Birthday. Thank you to those of you who sent her cards and gifts. I appreciate your generosity! We took our neighbors and a few friends and went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate. I have attached two pictures from this party.
Hopefully my next update won't be to far off from this one. I wish I could post something everyday...I guess if I put it into my schedule, it could get done. :)