On Friday, November 2, 2007 was an extra-ordinary day for me. Two significant events took place.
First, I had the honor to meet, see, and take a photo with the President of the United States. He had stopped in at the chaplain school to encourage the leaders and students. I was blessed to hear from his heart and see the humanity and the depth of his character. (http://www.jackson.army.mil/PAO/WEB%20UPDATES/Bush%20visit/images/index.html) I am standing behind the right shoulder of the President. We had the opportunity to pray with the President, at his request. Pretty amazing!
The second event was that I passed my Army Physical Fitness Test. I did my run time at 15:25 (2 miles), and 50 push-ups, and 50 sit-ups. In addition, I lost nine more pounds, my waist is at 37 inches, and my body fat percentage is 22% (it has to be under 24%).
Well, 5 more weeks, then graduation. Hooah!